All of these pieces can be played on the lever (Celtic) harp, and I can perform in Renaissance dress upon request.
All in a Garden Green; Playford
Alle Psallite Cum Luya
Alman; Morley
Bransle; Attaignant
The Carman's Whistle
Douce Dame Jolie
Earl of Essex Galliard; Dowland
Edi Bethu
English Estampie
Fortune; Byrd
Galliard; Dowland
Hartes Ease; Holborne
Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen
It Was a Lover and His Lass
La Rotta
La Volta; Byrd
Lady Riche
L'homme Arme
Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
Loth to Depart; Farnaby
Nachtanz; Susato
Nobody's Gigge; Farnaby
Nova! Nova!
Now, Oh Now, I Needs Must Part; Dowland
Personet Hodie
Quand Voi Le Temps
Robin; Munday
Since First I Saw Your Face; Ford
Spagnoletta; Praetorius
Sumer is icumen in
Toy; Cutting
Wolseys Wilde; Byrd
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